Thursday, October 9, 2014

#readwomen2014 at Tallaght Redline Festival


I am delighted to be returning to Tallaght and South County Dublin Redline Festival  where I will be reading with  EILEEN CASEY and MIA GALLAGHER and afterwards in conversation with SUE HASSETT, on Friday 17th October at  8.15pm Loose End Studio, Civic Theatre, Tallaght.

Are literary women writers undersold and undervalued by the current literary universe? In 2014 a small American literary journal vowed to cover women writers for a full year. Then, artist Joanna Walsh’s #readwomen 2014 project became a popular meme on social media.

So come join three Hennessy award-winning writers in this lively debate as we assess and attempt to redress male writers’ dominance in the literary world.

Booking at Civic Theatre Box Office:
Tel 01 462 7477;
Admission €8/€6

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