Saturday, January 11, 2014

Southernmost Point

I am delighted to be included in Southernmost Point Guest House, an anthology of poetry from the same publisher as New Short Stories and funded by profits from the Willesden Herald Short Story Competition. Many thanks to Stephen Moran for inviting me to contribute. The cover itself is deserving of a poem and the title is taken a poem by Alex Barr
This collection brings together poetry by writers currently living in America, Britain, Ireland, Italy and New Zealand. They have little in common other than finding themselves here, in this book and in the early part of the 21st century, with something to say. 

So I am particularly  pleased to be between covers with:  Stephen Moran,  Nuala Ní Chonchúir, Alex Barr, Andrew Mayne, Charles Lambert, David Cooke,James Browning Kepple, Judi Sutherland, Kim Göransson, Laura Lee, Lee Webber, Lynn Blackadder, Lynsey Rose, Mikey Delgado, Raewyn Alexander, Richard Peabody, Sean Brijbasi, Susan Campbell, Tim Craven, Vanessa Gebbie. 
It is available from: